Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 29, 2020

Caleb decided to decorate himself after the Chiefs
won the Super red...with food coloring.

           I came back to East Africa a couple of weeks ago to tie up some loose ends before the extended stay in the USA.  We had a vehicle at a mechanic who was waiting to be instructed and paid, a house that might possibly need to be moved, and Paul was waiting for me to come back and finish some Bible classes with him after he had finished the book work.

           It’s been an adventure, as always.  My first day in Uganda I got a brand new turbocharger for the LandCruiser (a not-free, welcome-back gift!).  The search for a new house to rent has been tough.  I’ve gone from having one possible lead to having six possible leads with one standout, back to having one possible lead who has been delayed in communicating…so I’m writing this from Uganda as I wait, and search, even though I don’t really know where else to look!

           The day after I got back to Lohutok last week, Paul and I planned to go to Torit.  I needed to get some supplies for the house, meet with AIM leadership, and the 5 hour road trip is always a good time for Paul and I to have some of our course discussions.  Paul’s house is always the first stop on the way, but about 15 minutes before I got there I started hearing a funny grinding sound in the wheel of the pickup.  A spring had fallen off the drum brake the day before so I was hoping that the noise I heard was inside the brake drum.  I continued to Paul’s house, then looked under the truck and saw a large puddle of gear oil…it was not the brake drum.  The bearing was shredded.  Scott came and helped me pull the axle and take it back to Lohutok where we could communicate with people about getting spare parts.

           Since Paul was planning to have his course discussions with me, he came behind us on his motorbike.  I was at Scott’s house where I could use internet to communicate with mechanics, and when there was a lull I went up to our compound to tell Paul to come.  We could do class while I waited for messages.  When I got to my house, Paul told me that he couldn’t come now because he was busy.  I was a bit confused but just said okay, got something from inside and left.  As I was leaving I noticed Paul sitting under a tree with Michael, our watchman and my language helper who was asking about the gospel back in August when I left.  Later Paul told me that when he showed up, and I wasn’t around, Michael came and said “Come over here and talk to me about this.”  Paul couldn’t come because he was busy talking about the gospel with Michael.

Sitting in a Fire Truck!  Amy and the boys got to make
a homeschool field trip to the fire station...I guess they had fun!

           The spare part came, the truck got fixed, and God is still at work!  Pray that God would give me a place to move our things to in Uganda, that Michael would believe and be saved, and that the gospel would take root and grow in Lohutok and among the Lopit.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

January 31, 2020

We went to Westville, a living history museum in Georgia and the kids got to work with the carpenter, leathersmith and blacksmith. 

           A few days ago Amy and the kids were driving somewhere in the van and made a wrong turn.  Amy decided that she needed to go the other direction, so she pulled into a driveway to turn around.  As Amy was shifting the van into reverse, one of the kids said “Mommy, are we going to live in this house now?”  I guess our kids are getting used to the lifestyle!
           It’s never a dull moment with our family.  Last month I wrote the newsletter from Georgia where we went to visit Amy’s parents for Christmas.  We spent two weeks with “Damma and Bonka” and then we drove to Tampa.  We spent two weeks in Tampa for some counseling before returning to the field, and by the end of that stay everything had changed!

           If you’ve heard me speak during this home assignment, you’ve heard me talk about spiritual warfare and opposition, and how difficult it has been just trying to be in Lohutok let alone being able to effectively communicate the gospel with her people.  Plans are always fluid and delays happen, but Jesus loves the Lopit more than we do and He is never panicked or surprised.  Because of our unique challenges, we have been doing some kind of regular counseling for most of our marriage.  After meeting with the counselors in Florida they have asked us to spend six months in the USA getting some further help becoming healthy and whole for a lifetime of ministry.  There’s the expected change in plans!

           I am getting on a plane in two weeks to go back to Lohutok to close some things down, keep some commitments, and get ready to be gone for six months longer than planned, and by April will be back to start the process.  Please keep praying for us as we deal with the emotions of changed plans, look for the appropriate counselors, and settle ourselves back down for a longer stay.  When we told the kids we were staying longer, Ezekiel’s response was “What about Ofuul?”  Ofuul is the village landlord for whose salvation we have been praying and he wants to see it through, we are all feeling that urgency while trying to remember that Jesus is already on the other end and has never been panicked or impatient, and he’s a way better missionary than any of us!  Thank you for partnering with us through all of this!

Justin, Amy, Ezekiel and Caleb Culp

We were having lunch to celebrate Justin’s birthday in Georgia and the kids decided to belly up to the bar…at least they weren’t breaking anything…