Thursday, July 6, 2023

July 10, 2023


Since I get so many "I love hearing about your car issues!" emails - 
I figured I'd put in a picture of last week's adventure!
The retired Righteous Rides van that I bought almost 3 years ago finally gave up her ghost!

                       I hope you had a good time with family, church and friends on Independence day this year.  When I reflect on the summer holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans’ Day) I’m always struck by the harmony and tension that a Christian feels.  About 20 years ago I saw a bunch of trendy young people getting tattoos that said NOTW (Not of this World) which resonates with the idea that we’re all “aliens and strangers” in the world which we currently inhabit. 

                       Depending on the church and tradition to which one is accustomed, we can swing to political (and patriotic) extremes one way or the other, but so often the Christian life seems to be one of tension.  Am I thankful for the country I live in and come from?  Of course!  The freedoms and opportunities it affords?  Absolutely!  And yet, when I really reflect on the idea of “home” it just never quite lands where I’m sitting.  Having used that name for so many different geographical locations over the last 20 years is part of my unease with the word, but it’s even more. 

               The New Testament authors seemed to feel some of the same tension.  The obviously glaring imperfections of the Roman Empire were hard to ignore, but being good citizens was still essential to living out a Christian faith in the Roman world.  And yet, we all feel like foreigners and strangers in a world that no longer understands us (or never did).  As we eagerly await the promised redemption of creation, the promised home in Heaven, the promised escape from the trials and pains of this fallen world, the blessings and joys of this world start to pale…but they’re still blessings and joys! 

Caleb lost a fight...
With a treadmill

               When Amy and I were first dating/engaged, she used to say “I’ve never met anyone who looks forward to Heaven (and tries to get there) as much as you do.”  I hope that’s still true, but while I’m here I want to look at the things God is doing, even when they’re painful, and the things God has given me as small glimpses of the eternity I’m eagerly anticipating.  He gave me independence, but it was an independence that came with a glorious, shameless dependence on Him, the One who creates, provides, redeems and justifies.  Happy Independence Day!

Justin, Amy, Ezekiel and Caleb