Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27, 2019

               We have been in travel mode for the last few weeks.  After two weeks in Kansas City that was spent getting settled (vehicles, phones, clothes, etc.) we spoke at Overbrook Bible Church and then left a couple of days later for St. Louis.  A week in St. Louis, a week in Corinth, Mississippi and now we find ourselves in Columbus, GA to visit Amy’s family and celebrate mom’s birthday.  In a week we will be back on the road to St. Louis where we will spend a few weeks visiting churches and then we’re back to Kansas City for the remainder of our home assignment.

               Being back in the USA has been quite a transition for our family.  Ezekiel and Caleb are still getting used to new rules (You can’t poop here, the street is not a “fun place to play” etc.) and other unfamiliar things.  I bought a 10lb bag of chicken leg-quarters that were on sale for Labor Day, and the next day I was thawing them out in the sink.  Caleb came downstairs, looked in the sink and said “Daddy?!”  When I asked him what was wrong he said, “You killed something without me?”  Ezekiel heard Caleb’s perceived offence and came over to look, then he said “Aww man, I would have liked to see that chicken that had ten legs!”  We’re people of two worlds…

               We have had some fun along the way.  During our week in Corinth we saw some Civil War historical sites and spent a few nights at the Alcorn County Fair.  At the fair the kids got to see their first bull ride and enjoyed the carnival rides, but with all of the excitement around them they really wanted to spend all of their time in the petting zoo feeding the goats, porcupine, camel and cows!  On the way from Corinth to Columbus we stopped in Huntsville to visit the US Rocket and Space Museum…that is how missionary parents on the road celebrate a wedding anniversary (8 years!).  Ezekiel started getting sick the night before the museum, so he saw most of the museum from a stroller between cries, but at the end of the day he still said, “That was the most fun I’ve ever had!”

               Pray for us as we visit with Amy’s family, travel, speak, fundraise, and try to help our kids work through all of the changes, new people, new places, and time in the car.  It’s hard for them, even though it is good to see everyone!

Thanks for your prayers and encouraging emails!

Justin, Amy, Ezekiel and Caleb Culp

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